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Board Meeting September 11, 2017

President Martha Rasmussen called the meeting to order 5:30 pm

Steve gave the treasures report inclusive of all divisions and committees

Roselie volunteered to open a Mailchimp account for sending out news letters to the Darrington Strong members and other community. This is a free service. Rick made a motion Roselie open Mailchimp account, keeping it a free service. This was seconded by Steve, all voted in favor.

Rick volunteered to put together a mailing list.
Martha volunteered to get a custom email address.

JoAnn discussed her role as the future Darrington Events Coordinator. This job would involve organizing local events, keeping an ongoing schedule of events, open communication with other people coordinating events and finding ways to better support our local events.
Steve made a motion for Darrington Strong to create a new committee for Darrington Strong Events Coordinator. This was seconded by Roselie, all voted in favor.

Roselie made a motion to dissolve the now vacated committee chair position and committee, the Darrington Business Round Table. This was seconded by Tony, all voted in favor

President Martha Rasmussen
Vice President JoAnn Milton
Treasure Steve Somsen
Rick Knight
Roselie Rasmussen
Tony Gobroski