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Board Meeting, October 21, 2019

The meeting was held at Whitehorse Photography’s store and president Martha Rasmussen opened the meeting.

Approval of Last Meeting’s Minutes:
Roselie motioned to “approve the minutes of the Darrington Strong general meeting of September 16, 2019, with corrections”. JoAnn Milton seconded and the motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report and Approval of Budget:
Martha submitted the Treasurer’s Report for review. Dave Bell motioned “to approve the budget”, Roselie seconded and the motion carried.

Unfinished Business:
Martha presented the finished committee agreement and initiated a thorough discussion of the details, as well as how to terminate a committee when it is no longer functional (ie: DARA).

New Business:
Martha presented the idea of not having a December board meeting. JoAnn motioned for “no December board meeting”, Rick seconded and the motion carried.

Websites: Roselie & Martha updated us on the website progress.

Darrington Events: JoAnn Milton opened a discussion on the difficulty of picking a date for the 2020 street fair and updated us on fall & winter events. So far it looks like the street fair will be on the same weekend as Meltdown, against the objections of Town Council and FD Darrington.

Board Members Present:
Dave Bell
JoAnn Milton
Ken Milton
Martha Rasmussen
Rick Knight
Rosalie Rasmussen