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Board Meeting, September 16, 2019

The meeting was held at Whitehorse Photography’s store and president Martha Rasmussen opened the meeting.

Approval of Last Meeting’s Minutes:
Stve Somsen motioned to “approve the minutes of the Darrington Strong general meeting of August 21, 2019”. JoAnn Milton seconded and the motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report and Approval of Budget:
Steve Somsen submitted the Treasurer’s Report for review. JoAnn Milton motioned “to approve the budget”, Rick Knight seconded and the motion carried.

Unfinished Business:
Light discussion about committees; no motions were made & the topic was tabled.

Friends of Fortson: Martha updated the board on the ongoing process of the county accepting Darrington Strong as a vendor.

Darrington Events: JoAnn Milton announced that the new assistant chairman of the Darrington Street Fair resigned.

Marketing Committee: Rosalie Rasmussen updated the board on the progress of the marketing committee. Branding, a website that mirrors the rack card, and strategies for responding to inquiries about the organization were discussed.

Events: JoAnn Milton updated us on fall & winter events.

North Mtn. Lookout: Rick Knight updated the board on the progress of the restoration.

New Business:
JoAnn Milton announced that Vianne Sargent is the new president of the community center.

Board Members Present:
Dave Bell
JoAnn Milton
Ken Milton
Marla Skaglund
Martha Rasmussen
Rick Knight
Rosalie Rasmussen
Steve Somsen