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Board Meeting, January 20, 2020

The meeting was held at Whitehorse Photography’s store and president Martha Rasmussen opened the meeting.

Approval of Last Meeting’s Minutes:
Ken Milton moved to approve the minutes, Roselie Rasmussen seconded and the motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report and Approval of the Financial Report:
Roselie Rasmussen moved to approve the financial report, Rick Knight seconded and the motion carried.

Unfinished Business:
Martha updated us on the division contract & corrections that have been made to the approved committee contract.

Brief planning discussion on the upcoming meet & greet at the library.

Brief discussion on the status of the DARA committee.

Martha update us on the progress of the website.

New Business:
Martha updated us on FFPU activities and the new Darrington ranger. Martha would like to get a permit for every adopted road so that heavy equipment can be utilized. She also reminded us of the upcoming FFPU potluck.

Roselie suggested a sandwich board sign to be displayed at all DS projects.

JoAnn Milton updated us on the street fair & announced that it will be on the same weekend as Meltdown again this year (Saturday, August 8). Drew Bono suggested a pancake breakfast hosted by the fire department in the morning before the street fair. Christmas and Halloween events were also discussed.

JoAnn Milton announced the potential formation of a downtown/Darrington Street business association.

Drew Bono announced that Darrington now has paramedics in town 24/7.

Board Members Present:

Drew Bono
JoAnn Milton
Ken Milton
Marla Skaglund
Martha Rasmussen
Rick Knight
Roselie Rasmussen
Steve Somsen