President Martha Rasmussen opened the meeting.
New Business
- Roberts Rules of Order: Steve Somsen led a discussion about Roberts rules of order and provided hand-outs. No motions were made.
- Darrington Calendar: JoAnn Milton updated the board about the 2020 Darrington calendar. No motions were made.
- Darrington Motorcycle Poker Ride: JoAnn Milton led a discussion about the motorcycle poker ride being planned by the Red Top tavern during the Darrington street fair. No motions were made.
- New Committee Packet: Martha provided hand-outs and led a discussion about putting together a “contract” to address the questions of forming a new DS committee. No motions were made.
- Darrington Outdoor Club Letter of Support: Martha led a discussion about drafting a letter of support for the Darrington Outdoor Club. Rosalie made a motion “that Darrington Strong support the doc with letters of support”. Drew seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
Time and Place of DS Board Meetings: Rosalie led a discussion about the meeting time and place for the board. No motions were made. An informal vote was taken (passed unanimously) to hold them the third Monday of the month at 7:00 PM at the Darrington fire station, when available.
Old Business
- Websites Update: Martha and Rosalie updated us on the new upgrades for and Drew motioned to “authorize you (Martha) to spend up to $350.00 for hosting website fees & all that stuff for the next three years”. Dave Bell seconded & the motion passed unanimously.
Board Members Present:
Dave Bell
Drew Bono
Joanne Milton
Marla Skaglund
Martha Rasmussen
Rick Knight
Rosalie Rasmussen
Steve Somsen