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Board Meeting January 13, 2016

Nels opened the meeting.

Steve gave a treasury report of $**, ***.
Martha has made a municipal website for the town of Darrington and is waiting to see if they will accept it. She is also helping the fire department with their website. The new Discover Darrington website is now online and will be promoted soon.

She has been working on the continuance of Darrington Day Celebration with committee members Gordy & Maggie.

The ratification of Core Values will be discussed at the next general meeting.

Martha and Rick are working on a plan to plant a grove of dogwood trees at Dot Park.

Martha and Lavinia are working on presenting a Ghost Walk in Nov. in partnership with Darrington Performing and Visual Arts.

Nels adjourned the meeting.

In Attendance:
Nels Rasmussen
Tony Gobroski
Steve Somsen
Martha Rasmussen
Roselie Rasmussen
Walt Dortch
Marla Skaglund