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Board Meeting Minutes, May 16, 2022

The meeting was held at Darrington Coffee Co. and Martha Rasmussen opened the meeting.

Review and Approval of the Treasurer’s Report: Steve submitted the treasurer’s report for review, showing a total of $2,3664.85 in all accounts. Roselie moved to “approve the treasury report as submitted”; Dave seconded and the motion carried.

Approval of Last Meeting’s Minutes: Roselie moved to “approve the minutes of the April 18, 2022 Darrington Strong Board meeting, with two name-spelling corrections”; Savannah seconded and the motion carried.

Website Updates:
Martha reported on the progress of the website and that there was a problem with the PHP (hypertext pre-processor).

Unfinished Business:
Darrington Strong Website: Roselie reported that there is nothing new to report & Casper is working on it.

Darrington Strong General Meetings: Martha initiated a lively discussion about when & where to start holding monthly meetings once again. Steve moved for “Darrington Strong to adopt a general meeting policy that is quarterly and to be held the third Wednesday of January, April, July and October; 4:00-5:30 at the Darrington Library”; Savannah seconded and the motion carried.

Darrington Strong Newsletter: Martha suggested forming an ad hoc committee to publish a quarterly newsletter. Roselie will work on the mailing list and create a newsletter template. Steve moved to “adopt a policy of publishing a quarterly newsletter to be published the first week of March, June, September and December”. Savannah seconded and the motion carried.

New Business:
Martha suggested amending or reprinting the Darrington Strong rack cards showing the new meeting dates & time. Options were discussed.

Darrington Strong Updates:
Earth Day Cleanup: Dawn reported that 37 people participated in the Fortson Mill area cleanup. She also reported that Jason Griffith is her contact at the Stillaguamish tribe.

Community Calendar: Savannah reported on the progress of the calendar.

Grizzly Bears: Martha reported that another study to relocate grizzly bears into the North Cascades is in the works.

Board Members & Guests Present:
Dave Bell
Dawn Erickson
Marla Skaglund
Martha Rasmussen
Rick Knight
Roselie Rasmussen
Savannah Richter
Steve Somsen