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Board Meeting Minutes, June 20, 2022

The meeting was held at Darrington Coffee Co. and Martha Rasmussen opened the meeting.

Review and Approval of the Treasurer’s Report: Steve submitted the treasurer’s report for review, showing a total of $2,3643.01 in all accounts. Rick moved to “approve the treasury report as submitted”; Dave seconded and the motion carried.

Approval of Last Meeting’s Minutes: Steve moved to “approve the minutes of the May 16, 2022 Darrington Strong Board meeting”; Savannah seconded and the motion carried.

Website Updates:
Martha reported that the Darrington Strong website was having a problem going offline but is now fixed and there have been no incidents over the last three weeks.

Unfinished Business:
Darrington Strong Website: Light discussion about the next installment to the web page designer. FFPU and Visual Impact has transferred $200.00 toward the project.

Darrington Strong General Meetings: Martha reported that she hasn’t been able to schedule a speaker for the July 20 general meeting but the room at the library has been reserved for the event. Carson said he will check with Wendy to give a 20 minute presentation on setting up an Air BNB business. The library is also reserved for the October general meeting.

New Business:
North Mountain Lookout: Carson gave us a run-down on the plans for the lookout “grand opening” ceremonies to occur on Wednesday, August 10.

Town Map: Carson presented an example of a town map idea.

Darrington Strong Updates:
FFPU: Martha reported that the snow is melting fast and FFPU will purchase 10 yards of gravel to fill potholes on Helena road.

Whitehorse Community Artisans: Savannah informed us of the progress of the upcoming August 27th event.

Timberbowl Rodeo: Marla and Savannah will work the booth at the rodeo this year.

Board Members & Guests Present:
Carson Tavenner
Dave Bell
Marla Skaglund
Martha Rasmussen
Rick Knight
Savannah Richter
Steve Somsen