Nels opened the meeting with introductions.
Steve gave a treasury report of $**,197.87 inclusive of all divisions.
Roselie reported that Friends of North Mountain is purchasing a lightning arrester. A meeting was held with Mark Lovejoy on partnering together in the Bicycle Park Project concerning trails close to the lookout and keeping up the roads. The gate will be moved closer to the lookout and seasonal closures will be coordinated between FNM and the trail project.
Martha reported there are still seven washouts and at this time not repaired. Bedal Creek and Grade Creek Roads took some roadbed damage due to wet weather conditions. FFPU will need to work on these roads before winter.
Kevin reported DARA is on break for the season and the Collaborative is working on the Segelsen logging project. A feasibility study is expected on paving the Mountain Loop Highway.
Steve has suggested each division contribute a percentage of funds to the Darrington Strong budget. Fund raising has also been suggested in the form of t-shirts with “I Love Darrington”. Martha reported that the t-shirts awarded to the recipients of awards on Darrington Day were very popular with visitors and would make a nice choice. Discussion continued with the suggestion of a 2-3% contribution from each division toward the Darrington Strong budget.
Martha reported walking Darrington Street for the future planting projects. PUD will contribute 24 trees to compensate for the trees removed.
Marla reported the turnout for Bluegrass exceeded last years.
Martha and Tom will be at Cabela’s with a slide presentation on several projects and a display.
Martha reported on the new webpage “Starting A Business” and working with the library to offer classes. Judy offered her expertise on the subject.
Marla reported a group, organized with help from county tourism on lodging, met at the Oso School House and discussed compiling a list of the available B&B, camp sites, tiny homes and other forms of lodging in the area including Camano Island, Granite Falls, Concrete and Lake Stevens. Another meeting is planned in October at the Stillaguamish Natural Resource Center.
Martha spoke on the need for recreation and destination signage and where it can be implemented successfully.
Steve reported the motel in Darrington has new management. It was discussed that speaking with the management on improving relations with visitors.
Judy reported there will be a memorial bicycle ride in 2017 and a logo for t-shirts is needed. Also a consultant has been sequestered who will be available to all Darrington area businesses and anyone interested in starting a business to give expert advise. A mass mailing will be sent out with information. Both of these projects are being included in the ABC project.
Ashley reported on the various activities at the library including read the book, watch the movie and take a hike.
Good of the Order:
Martha reported that North Counties is moving in to the old Suak River Trading Post and will have offices upstairs and youth groups in the basement and an area for locally crafted items featured on the main floor.
Gordy reported that Hoobajoob will be on Aug. 20.
In Attendance:
Nels Rasmussen
Gordy Beil
Keven Ashe
Linda Smith
Roselie Rasmussen
Tommy Berry
Martha Rasmussen
Steve Somsen
Ashley Bryson
Martha Rasmussen
Ron Wolff
Marla Skaglund
Judy Pendergrass