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General Meeting January 17, 2018

President Martha Rasmussen opened the meeting with introductions

Treasure Steve Somsen gave the Treasures Report:

· Raffle update for administration funds for coffee table was $275.00

· Total for all accounts including committees and divisions is $19,192.53

· Membership is 15 business members, 14 community members and 5 nonprofit members

We watched the new Friends For Public Use Video about all the forest road work they do. This video will be going on our new YouTube. Next meeting we’ll be watching a new video for our Friends of North Mountain restoring the old fire lookout.

Division Reports:

· Friends For Public Use: Martha expressed how wonderful her group is, how passionate they are about the forest roads and keeping them accessible as just viewed on the new video. One of our volunteers who spent many long hours on his adopted road just donated $1,500.00 to the group and another purchased 4 new McLeads, (tools) for FFPU as well. We had a potluck enjoying the comforts of being warm and dry indoors. It also gave everyone a chance to meet their fellow volunteers. We enjoyed it so much we’ll be planning another one! We will be raffling a donated queen size handcrafted quilt at the Darrington Coastal Community Bank to raise more needed funds.

· Friends of North Mountain: Rick shared that the lookout had suffered some minor vandalism where two shutters had been forced open letting rain inside. This has been closed up now. Putting up cameras are being considered. No snow up to the lookout at this time.

· Darrington Area Resource Advocates: Kevin updated us on the Mountain Loop Highway Feasibility Study. Regional public meetings will be held, next process is public input and range of options. If this goes through then 20 to 23 million dollars for higher standards for the road over a period of time. This is a complicated process.

Committee Reports:

· Event Coordinator: JoAnn is working on dates and times, will be posting posters around town about events. She is working very hard to be sure everyone is in the know when things are happening. There will be a meeting to discuss hosting the Special Olympics Regional Softball Tournament at Darrington in 2019. Also ideas are being bounced around for making Valentines Day bigger for 2019. One idea is a dance! She’s already busy planning for the second annual Darrington Street Fair and Trunk or Treat!

· Visual Impact: Martha received a quilt to raffle for raising funds which will go toward this year’s fall bulb order. These bulbs will be used for beautification around town. There will be several pruning work parties for Dot Park which is way over due for this TLC.

Other Reports:

· Oso Woman’s Auxiliary: Marla told us about the 16 “Love From Oso” wooden hearts that the Oso youth made for Christmas for the victims of the Santa Rosa fires. Martha helped send them to Santa Rosa, her home town. They went to a temporary class room where students lost their whole school in the fires and some went in Christmas stockings to families. Marla was very excited that the Bookmobile is coming to the Oso Fire Hall! The Oso Flea Market will be on May 5, 2018 at the Oso Fire Hall.

· Darrington Fire Department: Drew gave his update on the recently condemned Whitehorse Community Center and options for rebuilding it. They are currently looking for funding and grants for this project. He also explained the upcoming levy and shared how many calls our volunteer fire fighters go out to. Next year’s Trunk or Treat will be at the Fire Hall and excited to have Pam Fritchman decorating for the event as only Pam can do! Thank you Pam! The Fire Dept. meetings are the second Monday every month at 7pm.

· Darrington Library: Ashley told us about the exciting things happening at the library with the upcoming business classes they’ll be sponsoring, learning science the fun way with Planet Science and a unique way to learn math through music, building stuff and even make a mess with the Crazy 8s Math Club.

· Barn Quilts: Marla shared how the new Snohomish County Barn Quilt Tour will function with signs like patches in quilts. You follow these “signs” within a driving tour and learn all about these, barns and other farm buildings etc.

· Mansford Grange: Gordy, told what the grange brings to the community. They have weekly BINGO, host the Community Contra Dances, October Harvest Festival, 4th of July Community Fair and their next event which is the Spring Plant Sale, May 5, 2018, 10 am to 3 pm.

Good of the Order:

· Martha discussed the upcoming meeting for helping Monte Cristo keeping needed access on the CERCLA Road so camp host can be at the campground, historical preservation can continue and visitors can have safer access. The meeting will be February 5th, 2018 at the Everett Library at 5:15 pm.

Our Next Meeting Is: February 21, 2018
In Attendance:
JoAnn Milton
Martha Rasmussen
Ken Milton
Drew Bono
Paul Wagner
Nels Rasmussen
Kevin Ashe
Stephan Somsen
Ashley Bryson
Rick Knight
Peter Forbes
Marla Skaglund
Gordy Beil
Dave Bell

Phyllis Reed