Nels opened the meeting with introductions.
Steve gave a treasury report of $*****.78 inclusive of all divisions & committees.
Roselie gave a report on the funding campaign for Friends of North Mountain which received a total of $4950 before expenses. There will be a work party organized when the snow is removed from the road.
Martha reported clearing the Suaittle Road and clearing several other roads.
Kevin reported the activities of DARA including paving the Mountain Loop Highway, stewardship projects and working with the Darrington Collaborative and resurrecting fishing in the are and the wild salmon recovery. They are involved in the water rights near the Skagit River discussion. They continue their involvement in the Whitehorse Trail and equine trails. DARA is also involved in the Circle Creek project with analysis of the road to get it open. DARA will host the discussion on reintroducing grizzly bears into the area.
Amy reported on the opening of the Whitehorse Trail and it’s opening in 2018 because of the repair needed for two bridges. An RCO grant has been applied for with letters of support coming in from local groups. The county is working with Hampton Mill to swap land for the trail. The County will work to make a conservation area at the Fortson Mill site with cabins for camping. Comcast will be hosting a Day of Caring to clean the Whitehorse Trail, April 30.
Martha reported we have the best Darrington Day Celebration planned ever! We’ll be adding a Flowers for Darrington booth to accept seeds and donations and introducing the new Model A Strut. Events for the event will also have Smokey the Bear, music in the park, children’s activities, pulled pork at the IGA, author at the Mountain Loop Books and Coffee, 40th anniversary of the Bluegrass Festival, and the UpRiver Art Show.
Lavinia reported in late Sept or early October for the Ghost Walk which will be held on the weekends. Actors and actresses will be needed.
Nels reported on the joining the Cabelas Tulalip Store for promoting Darrington recreation.
Mike Britt, President of the Downtown Arlington Business Association, spoke on the activities held in Arlington and the need to plan activities that Arlington and Darrington can share. He was very impressed on all the groups and activities and work being done within Darrington Strong. He shared the different ways events are planned and carried out for success.
Lavinia reported on the feasibility of making a park in a corner lot on Emens and Darrington Street. She is looking for letters of interest from local groups. Darrington Strong approved the letter.
Nels adjourned the meeting.
In Attendance:
Martha Rasmussen
Amy Lucas
Rick Knight
Linda Smith
Lavinia Bryson
Roselie Rasmussen
Sylvia Stauffer
Steve Somsen
Nels Rasmussen
Kevin Ashe
Gordie Beil
Ron Wolff
Marla Skaglund
Dana Fowler
Sally Hintz
Mike Britt