The meeting was held at the Darrington fire station and president Martha Rasmussen opened the meeting.
Approval of Last Meeting’s Minutes:
JoAnn Milton motioned “to amend and approve the minutes of the Darrington Strong Board meeting on May 20, 2019”. The minutes were amended to change the “car show” to a “bike show”. Ken Milton seconded and the motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report and Approval of Budget:
Martha submitted the Treasurer’s Report for review. Ken Milton motioned to amend and approve the Treasurer’s Report. The report was amended to show five accounts rather than four, as there is now an account for Friends of Fortson. JoAnn Milton seconded and the motion carried.
Unfinished Business:
North Mtn. Update: Rick Knight reported that the engineers have visited the lookout site with Mark Hanna and will report their conclusions in the near future. No motions were made.
Square Account: Ken Milton said that the account has been set up, is “up and running” and secure. No motions were made.
New Business:
Darrington Events Budget: JoAnn Milton submitted the budget for upcoming Darrington events. Rick Knight motioned to approve the budget, Marla Skaglund seconded and the motion carried.
Websites: Martha updated us on the website(s) progress.
Timberbowl Rodeo: Martha reported on the rodeo permit delay to cover the bleachers.
Suiattle Guard Station: Martha reported on the upcoming work party for the Suiattle Guard Station.
Whitehorse County Park: Martha updated us on the park progress and changes wrought by the county to use the park as an event facility.
Friends of Fortson: Martha reported that the archeological mapping project is done and the report will be forthcoming.
Board Members Present:
JoAnn Milton
Ken Milton
Marla Skaglund
Martha Rasmussen
Rick Knight