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Board Meeting July 17, 2017

President Martha Rasmussen called the meeting to order 5:35 pm

Steve gave the treasures report inclusive of all divisions and committees

Discussion about Whitehorse Park being undeveloped and the benefits this park could have both for community and to attract visitors to the area.

Steve Somsen made a motion to form a Whitehorse Park Collaborative – I move that Darrington Strong create a Whitehorse Park Collaborative to encourage local groups and residents to identify the best use of the park for short and long term use. Seconded by Tony, unanimous vote passed.

Rick suggested we invite Carson Tavenner to give a mini seminar to the Darrington Board of Directors to better use Base Camp as a better means of communication. He will see about inviting him an hour before the next general meeting August 16th.

President Martha Rasmussen
Vice President JoAnn Milton
Treasure Steve Somsen
Rick Knight
P.J. Wieferich
Roselie Rasmussen
Tony Gobroski