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Board Meeting January 9, 2017

President Martha Rasmussen called the meeting to order:

Old Business:

  • 2017 membership drive.  P.J. suggested creating a new younger membership to attract youth involvement.  This would be at an affordable rate of $5.00 for dues.  P.J. will be asking some students to become Student Ambassadors to the Darrington Strong meetings.  Odell Dortch donated $300.00 to help cover cost for Darrington Strong to send out a news letter to let the community know what great projects we are working on.

New Business:

  • JoAnn Milton moved to have Rick Knight fill the eighth board position.  This was seconded by Walt Dortch.  Rick Knight was voted to fill that position by unanimous vote.
  • Tony Gobroski has stepped down from his board position as his term has ended.  Walt Dortch will be reaching out to Tony to see if he will consider serving one more term.  The board felt unanimously that Tony had much to offer the Darrington Strong Board of Directors.
  • Future meetings; it was decided that Monday evenings is the best time for having a board meeting.
  • Martha will be opening a Benchmark account to enable Darrington Strong to be able to do mass emailing.
  • Martha has opened a free conference call service which will be able to board members and committee chairs to conduct business.


  • Taking over the Sauk River Reserve project from the Glacier Peak Institute.  This will be a very long and involved project working with a couple of different corporations and governments.  The project will involve building a network of trails east of town along the Sauk River.  This would be a very popular destination for local people, attract visitors and open up possible seasonal nature events.  Discussion will continue as more information comes in.

In Attendance:
Martha Rasmussen
JoAnn Milton
P.J. Wiedrich
Rick Knight
Nels Rasmussen
Walt Dortch