Nels opened the meeting.
Steve gave a treasury report with Darrington Strong having a balance of $3,023.82. Friends For Public Use has $435.00 and Friends of North Mountain has $3,684.28 acquired by donations. The board approved the report.
Steve presented the Board with new Darrington Strong business card proofs. Tony moved and Roselie seconded the motion to accept the new business cards.
Martha reported the Documentary crew will be attending a Collaborative meeting and are continuing work on the project.
Martha presented the Board with a rack card featuring camping.
Nels presented the endorsement of the Darrington Collaborative. It was moved by Martha and seconded by Steve to endorse and was approved.
Discussion continued on the continuing membership drive.
Nels suggested a field trip to the Sauk River Reserve. Martha stated the city is unable to keep the trail litter and brush free and that the project could be adopted by a local group.
Martha discussed adopting Dot Park as a community park through the Visual Impact Committee. Martha moved and Steve seconded the motion to adopt the park. The Board approved the motion. The subject will be brought up at a general meeting.
In Attendance:
Nels Rasmussen
Tony Gobroski
Martha Rasmussen
Steve Somsen
Roselie Rasmussen
Marla Skaglund