Nels opened the meeting with introductions.
Steve gave a treasury report of $**,***.85, inclusive of all divisions. Steve reported on receiving $3000 for the Americas’ Best Community projects.
FNM: Rosalie and Steve reported that the Friends of North Mountain project is progressing and is working with Stella at the Forest Service toward obtaining the special use permit. Steve is planning an appreciation dinner for the volunteers. Roselie has shared the information on the variety of tasks needed to continue the project with those on the FNM email list.
FFPU: Martha reported she is awaiting reports from volunteers patrolling on different roads for Friends for Public Use. The group has finished the concrete work on the Clear Creek Road project. A work party did maintenance work on the White Chuck Ridge Road. They will clear a large vagrant camp in the spring.
DARA: Tony reported the $500,000 feasibility study for paving the Mountain Loop Highway has been granted and a letter was sent to Olympia requesting signage on I-5 stating Darrington as a recreational area. WCC, Washington Climbers Coalition, is putting Circle Creek on their list for sponsorship.
Linda reported the thrift store will open after January.
Joanne reported she and Martha have discussed a Darrington Strong newsletter starting after Jan. and to include minutes and other information.
Rick reported on the Ride to Remember bicycle ride, March 19, 2017. Involvement includes hosting an event at the Community Center including food and entertainment. He also reported Darrington will be included on the Scenic Byway, Cascade Loop website as an alternative route.
PJ volunteered to be a liaison to the school district. She and her students are placing a sundial in Old School Park in March.
Visual Impact: Martha reported purchasing trees for Darrington Street, Dot Park and the Pocket Park. Some of the trees were made possible from vouchers provided by the PUD to replace trees cut during street projects. Rick gave a presentation with the drawing of the Pocket Park with trees, flowers and other landscape essentials.
Joanne spoke on the round table for local businesses who are interested. Businesses would plan events, holidays and general promotion of Darrington. PJ reported the Blue Bird Cafe in Arlington is allowing local businesses a space for cards on the tables.
Martha reported the library will have business classes starting Feb. She is adding business opportunities and home businesses on the website.
Elections: Nels explained procedures for elections. He read the list of nominations and asked if there were any additions. Martha Rasmussen was voted President, Joanne Milton was elected Vice President, PJ Wieferich was elected Secretary and Steve Somsen was elected Treasurer.
Good of the Order: Martha announced Snohomish County has acquired 33 acres near Squire Creek Park connecting it to the Whitehorse Trail.
PJ volunteered to collect bike helmets with Darrington Strong emblems attached for the ride.
Nels will be hosting a weekly show featuring his services on Facebook.
Nels adjourned the meeting
Martha Rasmussen
Rick Knight
Sylvia Stauffer
Linda Smith
Roselie Rasmussen
Tony Gobroski
Steve Somsen
Ken Milton
Nels Rasmussen
JoAnn Milton
Gordy Beil
Marla Skaglund
Ron Wolff
P.J. Wieferich