Nels opened the meeting with introductions.
Steve Somsen gave the treasury report.
Roselie reported that Friends of North Mountain has been receiving donations. She has also been meeting with engineers to discuss structural issues.
Peter reported DARA is working on getting 14 miles of the Mt. Loop Highway paved.
Martha is working to obtain funding which would be used to purchase equipment and hiring someone to run a tractor with mower for Friends for Public Use.
Amy spoke on attending a tourism in Everett. The subject was how to better promote outdoor recreation opportunities that Darrington has to offer.
Peter spoke on the reopening of the Suiattle Road and the large turnout for the event. The WTA will lead in the trail clearing campaign for the trails along the Suiattle Road. The Forest Service will support the paving of the Mt. Loop Highway.
Martha has completed the Darrington Strong website which will be up soon. State non-profit status has been reached and she is now working on obtaining federal status.
Martha asked members to submit ideas for the new Darrington Strong logo.
Amy reported Darrington has been invited to participate in the Eagle Festival, Feb. 7, 2015. Several suggestions were made for events.
Nels adjourned the meeting.
In Attendance:
Sylvia Stauffer
Roselie Rasmussen
Paul Wagner
Ron Wolff
Gordy Beil
John Farmer
Steve Somsen
Marla Skaglund
Kevin Ashe
JoAnn Melton
Nels Rasmussen
Linda Smith
Martha Rasmussen
Peter Forbes
Robin Zinnato
Justin sisney