Nels opened the meeting with introductions.
Steve gave a treasury report of $2*,***.30, inclusive of all divisions.
Martha reported Friends for Public Use will be discussing fund raising projects over winter.
Kevin reported DARA continues on projects and moving ahead on paving the Mountain Loop Highway.
Asheley reported the continuation of perspective business classes and subject matter. She is asking for public opinion on preferred subjects. She explained the library offers many services for businesses.
JoAnn reported the business meeting was a success and the group will be under the umbrella of Darrington Strong. A Facebook page has been set up and there are future events planned. A speaker from Concrete will come to a Darrington Strong meeting in the future to discuss business strategies.
Martha has been compiling statistics to document how many visitors come to Darrington and the surrounding areas. She will put the findings on the Doing Business webpage in the Discover Darrington website.
Discussion continued on setting a date for Darrington Day, putting it in July.
Nels discussed the new board members and representatives. Martha asked if everyone could share concerns they may have and what topics they would like covered at the general meetings. Kevin suggested folks working on projects wear Darrington Strong t-shirts. JoAnn suggested banners be placed on Darrington Strong worksites. Rick suggested using signs easily put in the ground.
Steve reported his meeting with the representative collecting ads for the Blue Bird Cafe tables. He has spoken to several business owners in town interested in participating. The cost is $1500 for a medium size ad with a 2 year contract. He will continue with his research.
Discussion continued on developing rack cards describing Darrington Strong projects and local attractions.
Martha reported the Horse Owners Assoc. are working on bringing a wagon train up the Whitehorse Trail in April, becoming an annual event. Paul suggested adding a shooting event.
Kevin reported 4 Corners Cafe is having a canned food drive, “Santa’s Can to Cane Exchange”, and Santa pictures Dec. 20.
Rick reported the events for the Ride to Remember will be held at the Community Center. The web site will be ready soon and flyers and ads are being developed.
Ken is planning on taking his drone above several locations around town for before and after pictures.
No December meeting and a very Merry Christmas!
In Attendance:
Nels Rasmussen, President
Steve Somsen, treasurer
Ashley Byson
Gordy Beil
Linda Smith, Vice President
Ron Wolff
JoAnn Milton
Kevin Ashe
Rick Knight
Paul Wagner
Martha Rasmussen
Marla Skaglund