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General Meeting May 20, 2015

Nels opened the meeting with introductions.

Steve reported on a balance of $*****.15 in the treasury.
Martha reported the documentary group is continuing interviews in the community.

Roselie reported legal agreement paperwork is being finalized, signed and submitted for the repairs needed on the North Mountain Lookout. There will be a work party June 12, 13, and 14. The roofing materials have been donated.

Martha reported that Friends for Public Use will be taking the Sustainable Forest Roads 101 Tour. She will be meeting with other groups that took the tour and organizing an additional road tour. FFPU in partnership with WCC will be patching the concrete ford on the Clear Creek Road, FSR 3 2060. Plans have been approved and funding will hopefully cover this project if not additional funding will be sought after. The first Saturday in June, the 6th is National Trail Day FFPU and Everett Mountaineers will be working on the White Chuck Bench Trail again this season. The potluck dinner will be held at the Darrington Rodeo Grounds this year.

Kevin reported DARA will meet with a rep from DelBenes’ office about paving the remainder of the Mountain Loop Highway. The next meeting will be with the county and Forest Service for maintenance of the road in compliance with the Federal Highways rules. The paperwork has been completed for stewardship of a section of the Mountain Loop Highway. DARA is staying in touch with the Fisheries Department about closing local hatcheries and has been assured they will stay open for now. KOMO 4 did a nice story on the desires and work accomplished in the community to complete the paving of the Mountain Loop Highway.

Robyn reported on the authors the Library will host during the summer and fall. The library will offer information on starting or growing a business. The library will offer a wildfire information called Firewise on June 8. The children’s portion will be from 3-4pm and adults from 5-7pm. July 20, the library will host a forum with both mayoral candidates.

Martha reported on the activities planned for Darrington Day.

The county is planning a Darrington web page which will link together different Darrington sites.

Marla reported Nick Bates will locate a kiosk to be placed at the beginning of town for brochures and flyers. She also spoke on inviting Bucky Tart, helicopter operator, to share his perspective on why and how Hazel Hill fell.
Martha requested assistance for transporting a large, logger wood carving from Sedro Woolley to Darrington.
Nels adjourned the meeting.

In Attendance:
Gordy Beil
Roselie Rasmussen
Ron Wolff
Kevin Ashe
Sylvia Stauffer
Nels Rasmussen
Ashley Bryson
Marla Skaglund
Martha Rasmussen

Robyn Yocum