Nels opened the meeting with introductions.
Nels encouraged members and visitors to complete membership forms located on the Darrington Strong website.
Steve gave a treasury report of $7833.26. He reported working on the necessary steps to obtain a PayPal account for D-strong.
Nels gave a report on the documentary being filmed about Darrington and the slide. Members from the Seattle Filmmakers Club are doing the work.
Roselie reported Friends of North Mountain has over $4000.00 in their bank account. The structure is eligible for the national register of historical places. A comprehensive report will be submitted to the Forest Service stating the plans for rebuilding. Most of the labor and materials will be donated. A Crowd Funding campaign has been started.
Martha is waiting for a list, from the Forest Service, of roads needing work, to be done by Friends for Public Use.
Judy reported on a meeting Kevin Ashe and Walt Dortch had with Ken Klein, Snohomish County Councilman, Snohomish County Public Works Director, and a Federal Highways Commission representative earlier in the year on the further paving of the Mountain Loop Highway, which was well received. The Tulalip Tribe is interested in supporting the endeavor. The Darrington Area Resource Advocates are also working with Snohomish County to establish signs outside of town describing recreational and visitor areas.
The event sign is in need of a complete makeover.
Discussion continued on the advantages of certain land around Darrington being declared industrial. Martha exchanged the ideas of the different industries and which would be appropriate for Darrington. Amy explained the process of and requirements for being declared an urban center and industrial area.
Judy will work on scheduling a community meeting to discuss the comprehensive plan in Darrington, which will include time for local non-profits to report on separate projects.
Roselie moved and Rick seconded that DStrong fund the space at the Community Center for the meeting.
Rick spoke on the set back of the building of the Farmers Market. It has been resolved and the market will open soon. Martha reported the City is asking for a $200 deposit for the use of Old School Park on Darrington Day.
Nels adjourned the meeting.
Members In attendance:
Nels Rasmussen
Ashley Bryson
Justin Sesney
Amy Lucas
Ron Wolf
Tony Gobroski
Gordy Beil
Linda Smith
Roselie Rasmussen
Steve Somsen
Marla Skaglund
Martha Rasmussen
Judy Pendergrass
Rick Knight
Charles Kirkpatrick