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General Meeting March 16, 2016

Nels opened the meeting with introductions.

Steve reported Darrington Strong has a balance of $**,***.72, Friends for Public Use has $*,***.30 and Friends of North Mountain has $**,***.62. He also reported Friends of North Mountain has started an Indiegogo account which has so far produced $3000.00.

Rick reported the stairway on the lookout is finished. The Indiegogo account is bringing new visitors to the website and Facebook page.

Friends for Public Use will be having a work-party with the WSU Student volunteers, April 19th on the Suiattle River Road to clear blow-downs and get drainage working again.

Darrington Performing and Visual Arts will present a Ghost Walk in October. Those interested in participating can email Martha or talk to Lavinia.

Nels reported on the Marketing meeting and the development of a marketing strategy.
Nels discussed the need for new board members since the current board has presided for 6 years. Anyone interested can contact Nels.

Ashley spoke on the annual Book Sale at the library. Other activities include writers workshop, mind craft, bikes for books, poem in our pocket, and reading with Rover.

Amy reported on the park desert project the County is working on to provide small parks in the area. Volunteer opportunities are available and will enable the Parks Dept. to apply for grant money to help with costs.

Jeb announced the Pump Track will open on Darrington Day, May 28. There will be prizes. He also reported on a Gravel Grind off road bike ride which will leave out on the Whitehorse trail to the top the North Mountain and is an 80 mile ride. The concept is to use funds acquired for road improvement.

Amy reported the County will be finishing the trail in sections including a parking lot in Arlington. Comcast will send volunteers, April 30 to spread gravel on the Whitehorse Trail.

Nels adjourned the meeting.

In attendance:
Ashley Bryson
Linda Smith
Rick Knight
Amy Lucas
Steve Somsen
Gordy Beil
Ron Wolff
Nels Rasmussen
Marla skaglund

Jason Miller
Jeb Bolten