Steve opened the meeting.
Steve reported a $7203.27 balance of 4 divisions.
Martha reported FFPU work has slowed due to fire danger. There will be a work party for the White Chuck road area.
Kevin reported that DARA is still working toward the paving of the remainder of the Mountain Loop Road. Paul reported that analysis will be done on the age of the trees to be cleared. Peter reported the Forest Service was granted for the Mountain Loop Stewardship Project.
Roselie reported 456 volunteer hours have been spent refurbishing the North Mountain Lookout which included rebuilding walls. Sherwin Williams will donate paint for the project.
Martha reported that Summer Meltdown is allowing local organizations to have informational booths at the festival in conjunction with the Rec Hub. Darrington Strong will be having a booth.
Paul spoke on the new Darrington Collaborative and the organizations and individuals involved including, Pew Trust, Glacier Peak Institute, Forestry, Washington Wild, Washington Whitewater, and the Wilderness Society and local community members who will work together in forest management. Dan continued to explain the different styles of logging and how that is determined.
Dan and Lavinia discussed the improvements along the streets using planters and new sidewalks. The City will be working within a budget and will have a local landscaper assist with new drought tolerant plantings.
Dan reported Arlington and Darrington have joined forces and are among the top 50 finalists for Americas’ Best Communities. Darrington needs matching funds. It was moved by Roselie and seconded by Judy to donate $275 from Darrington Strong.
Martha showed the new Darrington Strong logo.
Martha is coordinating an Event meeting in the Fall for coordinators of next years’ events to meet and plan strategies for success.
Gordy reported the 5th Annual Hoob A Joob Art Show will be August 15th at the Grange.
Steve adjourned the meeting.
In Attendance:
Steve Somsen
Peter Forbes
Martha Rasmussen
Gordy Beil
Ron Wolff
Linda Smith
Roselie Rasmussen
Paul Wagner
Lavinia Bryson
JoAnn Milton
Kevin Ashe
Marla Skaglund
Judy Pendergrass
Dan Rankin