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General Meeting February 21, 2018

President Martha Rasmussen opened the meeting with introductions.

Treasurer Steve Somsen gave the Treasurer’s Report:

Total for all accounts as of 2/20/18: $**,565.75

Membership is 16 business members, 14 community members and 6 non-profit members

We watched the draft video/slideshow telling the story of the restoration of the North Mountain Lookout.


Friends for Public Use: Martha discussed the potluck and quilt raffle. The quilt can be viewed at the Darrington branch/Coastal Community Bank.

Friends of North Mountain: Rick gave a schedule update for the coming season’s construction plans including the lightning arrestor system, furniture for the cabin and repairing/replacing the concrete piers. There was discussion about security gates and window installation and the possibility of securing a docent/caretaker for a few months this summer.


Darrington Strong Events: JoAnn presented the new poster showing event updates and there was discussion about placement of the posters around town and in Arlington. It was also suggested that the library should have their information on there as well.

Visual Impact: Martha showed photos and there was discussion about the placement of planters in different areas around town. They could be constructed from wood or concrete or metal or a combination of the three. Mayor Rankin suggested looking into “Core-ten Steel” as a possible material for durability and aesthetics. He also mentioned that the two planters at the front entrance to town hall are going to be moved due to the new signage in the works and perhaps they could be used at another location. Volunteer labor was discussed (“adopt a planter”) and the requirement for a comprehensive irrigation plan, whether it be installed or water delivered by motor vehicle. A plan should be developed showing the potential locations and design of the planters and then submitted to town council for approval. Funding can then be secured for building, planting, placement and maintenance by volunteers. Martha also mentioned that there is another donated quilt that will be raffled to raise money for Visual Impact projects.


Darrington Collaborative: Mayor Rankin outlined the Collaborative issues for 2017. There are 10 board members & community stakeholders. Community outreach needs to be strengthened with monthly updates on the website and emails to stakeholders as well as make it easy for interested parties to sign up via the website. Oak and Mike will head up the education, monitoring and design of the website. Mayor Rankin outlined the Segelson 1.0 project (69 acres and 1.5 million board feet.) Retained receipts of $350,000.00 will go to aquatic restoration of Clear Creek. Resurfacing roads and replacing culverts was discussed. Hampton won the bid for a two year contract for harvest and restoration. Two projects will commence in 2018 as soon as the snow is cleared.

Oso Women’s Auxiliary: Marla said they will have a flea market at the Oso fire station (no children’s fair) on May 5, which will include a visit by the bookmobile.

Darrington Fire Dept: Drew gave an update on the recently “condemned” Whitehorse Community Center and the options for rebuilding it. The levy failed. DFD #24 responded to 74 calls for service, so far this year. He also informed us of the fire station #38 remodel for parking the ambulances inside. The fishing derby at Fortson Pond will occur again this year and Drew will work with Joanne to get it on the events schedule & poster. Fire dept. meetings are the second Monday every month at 7:00 PM at the fire hall.

Darrington Library: Asheley showed us a powerful video illustrating the importance of the Sno-Isle library branches in their respective communities. She also updated us on future classes and other activities scheduled for the coming months and the upcoming election on April 24.

Barn Quilt Project: Many rural communities are participating in this project and have found it to be a successful means to attract visitors to their communities through outdoor art. We discussed potential places in town and in this end of the valley for placement of quilt panels to draw visitors to the Darrington area as a participant in the Snohomish County barn quilt tour. Marla also mentioned that they were meeting in Arlington at 9:00 AM on March 5.


Mayor Rankin informed us that the town council voted to name the pocket park “Pioneer Park”. Rick and Steve have all the materials to build the park benches and will install them as soon as the snow clears up.

Mayor Rankin also informed us that there is a community toolbox with pruners, loppers and 35 garbage picker-uppers for use by volunteers, when required.

In Attendance:
Stephen Somsen
Martha Rasmussen
Rick Knight
Drew Bono
Roselie Rasmussen
Peter Forbes
Marla Skaglund
Ashley Bryson
JoAnn Milton

Mayor Dan Rankin
Matt Medina

Next Meeting Is March 21, 2018…see you there!