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General Meeting February 18, 2015

Nels opened the meeting and gave a treasury report of $****.00.

Introductions were made.
Nels encouraged visitors to think about joining DStrong.

Roselia spoke on the group, Friends of North Mountain, and how the project is progressing.

Martha reported Friends for Public Use has been discussing purchasing a tractor, publishing a travel guide and a map. Amy reported FFPU will be working on a “Master Plan” which includes an environmental study of the area. Individual projects can then be pursued as long as they comply within the master plan.

Walt gave a presentation on stewardship and its’ use in the harvesting of timber in the Darrington area. He explained the Forest Service is underfunded and stewardship is an option.

Martha reported on the success of the first Eagle Festival. Each event was well attended.
Ideas were exchanged to improve next years’ festival.

Nels adjourned the meeting.

In Attendance:
Gordy Beil
Ron Wolff
Linda Smith
Tony Gobroski
Justin Sesney
JoAnn Milton
Nels Rasmussen
Martha Rasmussen
Amy Lucas
Kevin Ashe
Marla Skaglund

Ken Milton
Gavin Gladsjo
Oak Rankin
Shari Brewer
Judy Pendergrass
Jeb Bolton
Sara Bolton
Rick Knight
Dan Rankin