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General Meeting August 17, 2016

Nels opened the meeting with introductions.

Friends of North Mountain: Roselie reported on the success of the recent work party at North Mountain Lookout. She will be retiring as the coordinator of the project. The project has purchased a lightning arrester system which will be installed in the spring. The lower gate has been secured.

Friends For Public Use: Martha reported on a French Creek road cleanup and brushing continues on the Helena Ridge Road. Last Wednesday there was a work-party for Helena Ridge Road. Paul & Martha removed the huge boulder off of the Illabot Road making this clear for vehicle traffic again. FFPU recently got a donation of $200.00.

Visual Impact: Martha reported on the placement of stakes at Dot Park for the future dogwood plantings. She is waiting for Lavinia to come back from vacation for further discussion.

Website updates: A resource page on the Darrington Strong website has been added on how to start up a business. This will be a resource webpage for the upcoming how to start or improve a business workshops that will be held at the library. The Discover Darrington website will have another webpage for “Why choose Darrington for your business? and will link back to the Darrington Strong site to “How to start a business”. Resources for businesses will be added monthly. New webpages have been added to the Discover Darrington website; Night Skies is a webpage for stargazing, meteor showers & best areas for viewing. Photography has been added with useful links & recommending good places for the best photography.

Library report: Asheley reported on all the events happening at the library in August and September.

Forest Service report: Nels reported, in a note from Peter, that when the paperwork is complete, the Forest Service will issue a “Special Use Permit” for the North Mountain Lookout. Road damage has been assessed and the work will be done by 2018. Work continues with the Darrington Collaborative on the Segleson Stewardship Project.

ABC updates: Sally reported on the progress of the 11 various projects for the Americas Best Communities contest of which Darrington is a finalist. She described the different projects and how they are progressing.

Treasury Report: Steve gave a treasury report of $**,539.14 inclusive of all divisions.

Rick reported on the bike event being planned for 2017 which will be a memorial ride on 530.
Gordy shared the 6th annual Hoobajoob art show is planned for the weekend.
Roselie spoke on the selection of new board members in the future.

In Attendance:
Nels Rasmussen
Marla Skaglund
Linda Smith
Martha Rasmussen
Ron Wolff
Ashley Bryson
Gordy Beil
Rick Knight
Ken Milton
Roselie Rasmussen
JoAnn Milton
Shiela Sisney

Sally Hintz