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General Meeting April 15, 2015

Nels opened the meeting with introductions.
Steve Somsen gave a treasury report of $*****.15.

Nels gave a report on the progress of the Seattle Filmmakers work on the Darrington documentary which has received the name “Darrington Strong”.
Roselie reported Friends of North Mountain could use more volunteer help. Work will begin to re-roof the building as soon as the Forest Service gives its’ OK. The roofing materials have been donated.
Kevin reported DARA is continuing to work on finishing paving the Mountain Loop Hwy. Meetings have been held with the mayor of Granite Falls, the Sauk-Suaittle Tribe and Work Source. A meeting will be held with the Forest Service, Snohomish County and Federal Highways to work out specifics for the grant process. Work continues on the fish catch and release program on the Sauk. Walt is working on a Stewardship program for the Mountain Loop Highway with the Forest Service. Work to keep the Circle Creek Road open has received a letter of recommendation from the Sauk-Suaittle Tribe.

Martha is working an inventory for forest roads, each road will be identified by its recreational use, cultural interest, special features, gathering and natural resources. She is unsure where the potluck for National Trail Days will be held and at this time all local public halls are rented.
Robin stated the Library will host several Work Source events that will be posted later. She expressed the library will help.

Judy reported DPICC meets monthly at the High School Library.

Martha has updated information about local events on the web.

Amy reported the County is having a comprehensive meeting to discuss rural economic development.

Dan reported all DOL needs can be met online and at this time the Darrington City Hall is not performing this service.

Gavin reported working on the zoning requirements for a shooting range. Meetings have been scheduled and he is working on making them accessible. The High School Leadership class will work on developing a park along the Sauk River.

Judy spoke on the Learn and Earn program for 20 local high school students. The STEM program is being helped by WSU, Everett Community College and Seattle University and going forward.

Martha reported Brooke is interested in landscaping around the sign coming into town.
Nels adjourned the meeting.

In Attendance:
JoAnn Milten
Nels Rasmussen
Ashley Brysin
Lavinia Bryson
Steve Someson
Roselie Rasmussen
Linda Smith
Kevin Ashe
Tony Gobroski
Sylvia Stauffer
Ron Wolff
Gordy Beil
Martha Rasmussen
Amy Lucas
Justin Sesney
Marla Skaglund

Ken Milton
Robin Zinnato
Gavin Gladsjo
Judy Pedergrass
Dan Rankin