Nels opened the meeting:
Discussion about having more Cabela’s booths. Martha reported that other vendors said having a booth at Cabela’s is best during the winter months for a high turnout.
Martha reported the Darrington Day event committee has discussed having the event during July because July 20, 1891 was when Darrington got its name. May has had a history of being to wet and cold and also if the event is held on the long weekend Hampton can’t do their mill tours. A motion was made by Martha to put the Darrington Day Celebration on the Saturday closest to July 2oth. This date will also be the same weekend as the Bluegrass Festival. Steve seconded the motion. PJ suggested having several days of activity during the week. The motion was amended to include having Darrington Day, July 22, 2017 and open to change in the future. Steve seconded the amendment. Motion passed.
Steve reported meeting with the Blue Bird Cafe about including information on Darrington to be included on the new tabletops. He invited members to join him at the future meeting. Walt suggested adding a QR code to the display.
Martha has been adding visitor statics in the Doing Business webpage on the Discover Darrington Website.
PJ is working with the owner of the Red Top for a mural featuring a logging truck and several members of a 3 generation logging family.
Martha reported purchasing the trees for the parks.
Nels Rasmussen, President
Marla Skaglund, Secretary
Steve Somsen, Treasurer
Roselie Rasmussen, Board Member
Tony Gobroski, Board Member
PJ Wiefrich, incoming secretary
Martha Rasmussen, Board Member
Walt Dortch, Board Member