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Board Meeting May 14, 2018

President Martha Rasmussen opened the meeting.

New Business:   

ANNUAL DARRINGTON STRONG BOARD REVIEW OF THE TREASURY:  An Annual Board Review of the Treasury for non-profits and not for profit organizations. This is done by a quorum of Board member which are not a signatory of the accounts.  Board examiners will sign a statement that the treasury is in order or not in order to the best of their ability. A yearly Review will benefit future grant funding. If annual income is over $50,000.00, an outside accountant does an audit of the treasury. A motion was made by Rosalie (seconded by Tony) to complete the first audit by June 15 and future yearly audits to be completed no later than March 1st and the motion passed unanimously.

FRIENDS FOR PUBLIC USE:  RAC grants were discussed as a source of funds for road work.  Martha will begin writing RAC grants and suggested that Darrington Strong and Friends of North Mountain also apply for these grants as they can be substantial revenue for various local projects.

HWY 530 SLIDE MEMORIAL PROJECT:  Darrington Strong should draft letters of support for the memorial and assist in fundraising efforts whenever possible.  Rosalie made a motion that Darrington Strong, publicly and officially, express support for the memorial and the motion passed unanimously.

DARRINGTON STRONG VOLUNTEER HOURS:  All hours should be recorded for any work performed by Darrington Strong volunteers.

DARRINGTON STRONG VISUAL ARTS:  Discussion about transferring funds ($1,600.00 + some change) from the performing and visual arts committee to the events committee.  A motion was made by Tony (seconded by Rosalie) to dissolve the visual arts committee and deposit the money 50/50 into the events committee and the visual impact committee, respectively.  The motion was passed unanimously.

DARRINGTON STRONG FUNDRAISING CALENDAR:  Joanne suggested we publish a 2019 calendar for fundraising & a vigorous discussion ensued.

Old Business:

TOWN OF DARRINGTON 1099-Misc:  Dianne at town hall has not corrected the 1099 form for funds reimbursed to Darrington Strong for money spent on local projects involving the town.   In the future we should draft a reimbursement contract or just not get financially involved with city funds.

MEMBERSHIP DRIVE:  Rosalie sent out renewal letters before her trip and received no responses so far.  Steve said there was only one renewal in the past month. Discussion centered around more effective ways to incentivize the renewal process as well as recruiting new members.  A charter or lifetime membership option was an idea offered by Rosalie. A follow-up mailing was discussed as well as a quick phone call. Joanne suggested an online survey. An opportunity for people to donate was also discussed.  Tony suggested raising the price of a street fair booth so we can offer a discount for current members. Darrington Strong will have a booth at the street fair where we can target new members. Floating vs fixed renewal dates were also discussed.

DARRINGTON STRONG WEBSITE:  Martha updated us on new website additions and a potential “overhaul”.  We also discussed how to better market the organization and increase our exposure to the public through signage at trailheads and parks.

Board Members Present:

Joanne Milton

Martha Rasmussen

Rick Knight

Rosalie Rasmussen

Steve Somsen (via phone)

Tony Gobroski