Nels opened the meeting.
Nels opened the meeting with a discussion on Darrington Day events. A quilt show, antique car cruising, authors, historical presentation on the 40th anniversary of bluegrass, art show, mill tours and an area for groups.
Martha reported the Whitehorse trail project is not going to be the large project as was decided.
Martha has invited Evergreen Bikes for National Trail Days, June 4.
Nels proposed continuing holding board meetings via conference call.
Martha reported she had a meeting with the horse riders and discussed the trails around the area that will be open for them.
Roselie reported $950 has been donated to the Friends of North Mountain project.
Nels adjourned the meeting.
In attendance:
Nels Rasmussen
Martha Rasmussen
Steve Somsen
Roselie Rasmussen
Tony Gobroski
Walt Dortch