Minutes April 10, 2017
President Martha called the meeting to order 5:30 pm
Discussion: What is the best way to keep records when ASAP decisions need to be voted on via email. Sometimes board approval needs to be handled before our next meeting. The board decided to add these as an addendum to the monthly board meeting minutes. This can easily be handled on the website so the secretary needn’t keep updating meeting minutes.
JoAnn Milton made a motion to form a new committee under Darrington Strong to meet the needs of the local business community, the Darrington Business Round Table, also two subcommittees, the Darrington Street Fair & Welcome to Darrington Sign. This was seconded by Walt Dortch and the motion passed by unanimous vote.
Discussion was brought up by Martha Rasmussen that the $81.00 sitting in the old Event Sign project has sat idle for a long time and is not tagged for any future projects.
Roselie Rasmussen made a motion to transfer the $81.00 to the new Darrington Business Roundtable’s subcommittee, the new Welcome to Darrington Sign. This was seconded by PJ Wieferich and the motion passed by unanimous vote.
President Martha Rasmussen
Vice President JoAnn Milton
Secretary PJ Wieferich
Walt Dortch
Tony Gobroski
Rick Knight
Roselie Rasmussen