Nels opened the meeting. He gave a treasury report of $*,***.31.
Martha reported that she is waiting to hear from the IRS on the non-profit status.
Discussion continued on obtaining a safe deposit box for all important Darrington Strong documents. Martha moved and Tony seconded the motion. The cost is $20 annually.
The board ratified the new application for membership, moved by Tony, seconded by Roselie.
Walt discussed the need to apply for grants in the name of Darrington Strong. Martha made a motion, seconded by Walt, for Darrington Strong to apply for a grant of $10,000 to be used for the development of the Sauk River Park Trail.
Martha made a motion, which passed, to submit a grant to the Sauk-Suaittle Tribe for $500 for the purchase of a projector and software for future presentations made by divisions of Darrington Strong.
Martha made a motion, seconded by Tony, to apply for a grant of $1000.00 from the Snohomish County Heritage Program for developing the Darrington Millpond Restoration.
Walt reported a meeting was held with Norma Joseph, Sauk-Suaittle Tribe, to discuss the Circle Creek Road Project and Mountain Loop Highway Project. Norma stated she and other council members would be willing to write letters of support. An hour long presentation will be presented at the next council meeting in March.
Martha reported there will be a meeting, on Feb. 21 at 1pm, with the Seattle Film Company to discuss producing a documentary on community life before and after the slide.
Nels adjourned the meeting
In Attendance:
Nels Rasmussen
Martha Rasmussen
Tony Gobroski
Roselie Rasmussen
Marla Skaglund
Walt Dortch